Indiana Teen Killed in Car Accident after School

Returning to school after enjoying several weeks of summer freedom can be bittersweet. While it is hard to give up sleeping in late and spending the day as they wish, kids often look forward to seeing their friends again at school that they may not have seen all summer.

Unfortunately, this excitement of returning to school turned to tragedy for one high school on August 21, 2012. Two teens from North Harrison High School were in a single-car accident on their way home from school. Even though the passenger was wearing a seatbelt, he was thrown from the car when it left the road and flipped over. He did not survive the crash. The driver of the car was injured and was taken by helicopter to University Hospital. His condition has not been released.

While the families and community grieve for one teen, and remain hopeful for the recovery of another, the question of what caused the accident is likely in the back of many people’s minds. It could have been a number of things. The driver could have been distracted by a conversation, the radio, a cell phone, or an after-school snack. There could have been a small animal in the road that he swerved to avoid. The driver could have realized that he was drifting to one side of the road and overcorrected, causing the car to leave the roadway. Investigators will review the accident scene, check data on the car’s black box if it had one, and talk to anyone who witnessed the car crash.

Because the deceased victim was in the car with the driver and they were from the same school, it is pretty safe to assume that the two were friends. This type of situation can be difficult to handle when it comes to filing insurance claims or taking legal action, especially when the driver is injured. The victim’s family would benefit from the assistance of an experienced Indiana car accident attorney. This individual will know what steps need to be taken and how to do so appropriately. Steve Frederick is an Shreveport personal injury attorney who has handled similar cases with positive results.